N8N Queue Demo/jobs
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3436580", "workerId": "worker-pjJF5VZ4z8SKVm9O" }
job stalled more than allowable limit
{ "executionId": "3436580", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3436548", "workerId": "worker-RVVg8z1i2ibB9XKd" }
{ "executionId": "3436548", "loadStaticData": true }
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{ "executionId": "3436162", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3436141", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3436141", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3436121", "workerId": "worker-tJUDUg6d66AvAWjP" }
{ "executionId": "3436121", "loadStaticData": true }
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{ "executionId": "3436087", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435997", "workerId": "worker-pjJF5VZ4z8SKVm9O" }
{ "executionId": "3435997", "loadStaticData": true }
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{ "executionId": "3435964", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435975", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3435975", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435898", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3435898", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435865", "workerId": "worker-GFLr5XC9OfQvo8Rd" }
{ "executionId": "3435865", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435836", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3435836", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435736", "workerId": "worker-XTQob5cH0dCsZjck" }
{ "executionId": "3435736", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435717", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu" }
{ "executionId": "3435717", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435597", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3435597", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435573", "workerId": "worker-Q5WCjo2ZlyxUzHa6" }
{ "executionId": "3435573", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435560", "workerId": "worker-GFLr5XC9OfQvo8Rd" }
{ "executionId": "3435560", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435496", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3435496", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435421", "workerId": "worker-ldNkKYgQucblWmhq" }
{ "executionId": "3435421", "loadStaticData": true }
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{ "executionId": "3435425", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435400", "workerId": "worker-Q5WCjo2ZlyxUzHa6" }
{ "executionId": "3435400", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435350", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3435350", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435309", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3435309", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435328", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3435328", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435221", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3435221", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435177", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu" }
{ "executionId": "3435177", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435115", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3435115", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435119", "workerId": "worker-Q5WCjo2ZlyxUzHa6" }
{ "executionId": "3435119", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435117", "workerId": "worker-ldNkKYgQucblWmhq" }
{ "executionId": "3435117", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3435034", "workerId": "worker-n6PsBIsfcPEEg1C4" }
{ "executionId": "3435034", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434872", "workerId": "worker-dYX8P7ZCWz5qJoiG" }
{ "executionId": "3434872", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434982", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3434982", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434895", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3434895", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434831", "workerId": "worker-WtAtP6ytfc0u1WKy" }
{ "executionId": "3434831", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434824", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434824", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434906", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3434906", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434904", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3434904", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434865", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3434865", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434840", "workerId": "worker-dYX8P7ZCWz5qJoiG" }
{ "executionId": "3434840", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434973", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3434973", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434939", "workerId": "worker-jy2zmZ7G9vNN2JD5" }
{ "executionId": "3434939", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434888", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3434888", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434820", "workerId": "worker-pjJF5VZ4z8SKVm9O" }
{ "executionId": "3434820", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434863", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3434863", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-failed", "executionId": "3434850", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu", "errorMsg": "OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.", "errorStack": "ReplyError: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.\n at parseError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12)\n at parseType (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14)" }
{ "executionId": "3434850", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434932", "workerId": "worker-ldNkKYgQucblWmhq" }
{ "executionId": "3434932", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-failed", "executionId": "3435030", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu", "errorMsg": "OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.", "errorStack": "ReplyError: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.\n at parseError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12)\n at parseType (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14)" }
{ "executionId": "3435030", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434947", "workerId": "worker-VgOAMTPc5gmYJXeK" }
{ "executionId": "3434947", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434994", "workerId": "worker-GMraJxRQ452pxREb" }
{ "executionId": "3434994", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434876", "workerId": "worker-dYX8P7ZCWz5qJoiG" }
{ "executionId": "3434876", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434879", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434879", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434837", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3434837", "loadStaticData": true }
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{ "executionId": "3434809", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434775", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434775", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434779", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3434779", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434774", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3434774", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434766", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3434766", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434760", "workerId": "worker-GMraJxRQ452pxREb" }
{ "executionId": "3434760", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434736", "workerId": "worker-VgOAMTPc5gmYJXeK" }
{ "executionId": "3434736", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434732", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3434732", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434713", "workerId": "worker-jy2zmZ7G9vNN2JD5" }
{ "executionId": "3434713", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434692", "workerId": "worker-Q5WCjo2ZlyxUzHa6" }
{ "executionId": "3434692", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434507", "workerId": "worker-GMraJxRQ452pxREb" }
{ "executionId": "3434507", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434526", "workerId": "worker-XTQob5cH0dCsZjck" }
{ "executionId": "3434526", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434523", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3434523", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434499", "workerId": "worker-dYX8P7ZCWz5qJoiG" }
{ "executionId": "3434499", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434483", "workerId": "worker-dYX8P7ZCWz5qJoiG" }
{ "executionId": "3434483", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434446", "workerId": "worker-liX8KtY6zqL1SbM5" }
{ "executionId": "3434446", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434442", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434442", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434400", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3434400", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434254", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434254", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434333", "workerId": "worker-XTQob5cH0dCsZjck" }
{ "executionId": "3434333", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434294", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3434294", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434166", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3434166", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434161", "workerId": "worker-jy2zmZ7G9vNN2JD5" }
{ "executionId": "3434161", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434131", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3434131", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434159", "workerId": "worker-zVxIz4RiIqhm2xHa" }
{ "executionId": "3434159", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434070", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3434070", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434082", "workerId": "worker-HRpb6BecjJjh0ZHv" }
{ "executionId": "3434082", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3434052", "workerId": "worker-T8gCNRvplbsJ0GAj" }
{ "executionId": "3434052", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433986", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3433986", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433985", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3433985", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433878", "workerId": "worker-ldNkKYgQucblWmhq" }
{ "executionId": "3433878", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433863", "workerId": "worker-GMraJxRQ452pxREb" }
{ "executionId": "3433863", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433840", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3433840", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433798", "workerId": "worker-Ht1CLuWgco88Vtvt" }
{ "executionId": "3433798", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433769", "workerId": "worker-zVxIz4RiIqhm2xHa" }
{ "executionId": "3433769", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433748", "workerId": "worker-Oi8EWUSpd8kdgU24" }
{ "executionId": "3433748", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433676", "workerId": "worker-tJUDUg6d66AvAWjP" }
{ "executionId": "3433676", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433572", "workerId": "worker-sIKiDSP9MaaYU5Ll" }
{ "executionId": "3433572", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433355", "workerId": "worker-9wlzcEqiZInY7LoP" }
{ "executionId": "3433355", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-failed", "executionId": "3433320", "workerId": "worker-k78qAR8JXqlQfC04", "errorMsg": "OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.", "errorStack": "ReplyError: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. script: dabbb2936c9094b642797567a5bb872ad562cf9b, on @user_script:14.\n at parseError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12)\n at parseType (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14)" }
{ "executionId": "3433320", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-failed", "executionId": "3433314", "workerId": "worker-pjJF5VZ4z8SKVm9O", "errorMsg": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'node')", "errorStack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'node')\n at WorkflowExecute.processRunExecutionData (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/node_modules/n8n-core/dist/WorkflowExecute.js:544:85)\n at JobProcessor.processJob (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/dist/scaling/job-processor.js:134:43)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at Queue.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/dist/scaling/scaling.service.js:110:17)" }
{ "executionId": "3433314", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433253", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu" }
{ "executionId": "3433253", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433245", "workerId": "worker-GMraJxRQ452pxREb" }
{ "executionId": "3433245", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433213", "workerId": "worker-9m95J0pfO5v4XkAa" }
{ "executionId": "3433213", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433157", "workerId": "worker-V6zlEqaFvVUCOhXu" }
{ "executionId": "3433157", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433102", "workerId": "worker-zVxIz4RiIqhm2xHa" }
{ "executionId": "3433102", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433065", "workerId": "worker-Q5WCjo2ZlyxUzHa6" }
{ "executionId": "3433065", "loadStaticData": true }
{ "kind": "job-finished", "executionId": "3433074", "workerId": "worker-WtAtP6ytfc0u1WKy" }
{ "executionId": "3433074", "loadStaticData": true }
Hint: ⇧ + Click to select a range of jobs.